Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Waterfront Preservation Alliance on the Landmarking

Landmark Status Is Approved for Domino Refinery in Brooklyn - NY Times

Domino Sugar Factory Landmarked - NY1

The Domino Three as Landmarks

It's official. The three buildings in the north-south center block of the Domino site were landmarked at the September 25th hearing of the Landmarks Preservation Commission. The buildings incluce: the Filter House, Pan House and Mill House (aka the Finishing House). All of these buildings were completed in 1884. Most of the people at the hearing were there to support Domino as a landmark. The sign was not landmarked.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ben Checkwitch's proposal for Bin Structure, 2003

Digital Landmark Proposal

Has the lobby to landmark buildings at Domino considered including the Bin Structure (1960)?

New York Architect Ben Checkwitch won a Young Architects "Inhabiting Identity" Award in 2003 from the Architectural League for his proposal to transform the Domino Sugar Factory into a "Digital Landmark". He proposed to install dimmable lights behind the existing colored glass panels, thinking of each panel "like a very large pixel" and the facade as a whole like a very large "blank canvas" for a lightshow. The control would be relinquished to web browsers from home computers and pda's.

Imagine logging onto the Emprie State Building's website to select its palette for the night! Checkwitch's proposal would allow everyone in the neighbrohood to have a shot at impacting how our skyline is experienced.